The North Florida-Southeast Georgia (NFSEG) regional groundwater flow model is a product of the North Florida Regional Water Supply Partnership. Technical experts from the participating water management districts and key stakeholders developed the next generation regional-scale groundwater flow model for North Florida in development of NFSEG version 1.0 (NFSEG v 1.0) in 2016. To address changes and improvements recommended for NFSEG v1.0, the Districts completed model development and peer review of NFSEG v1.1 in 2019. The technical team has completed its mandate to ensure that the most appropriate science was applied to the modeling and data analysis to support decision-making, and that the work completed was defensible, understood by the team, and collaboratively developed, as described in the partnership's charter.
NFSEG v1.1 is used for water supply planning, establishment / assessment of minimum flows and minimum water levels (MFLs), and the review of consumptive use permits. The final report and response to peer review are posted below, along with model documentation.
To facilitate water use permitting evaluations, a user-friendly regulatory tool, was developed by SJRWMD and SRWMD in conjunction with Environmental Simulations, Inc.